Annual Exhibition 2024

at the Lillie Gallery:

Hand-in Saturday 11th May 10:30-12:30

Exhibition opening event, Saturday 18th May at 2:30

Exhibition closing tea-party, Thursday 13th June at 2pm

Uplift of unsold work, Saturday 15th June 10:00-12:00

Download Annual Exhibition paperwork HERE

Annual Exhibition 2022

Well done to all our wonderful members! A stunning total of 212 artworks handed in means we have an absolutely magnificent show on display for our post-pandemic annual exhibition! (26 pieces sold already on opening day!)

Saturday afternoon saw an amazing crowd gather for our official opening event. Exhibition Convenor Iain McAulay introduced our special guest artist Avril Paton (Windows in the West) who announced the winner of this year's Centenary Award: Margaret Scott, for her painting “Old pier, Easdale”.

After the members present voted, Avril also announced the winner of this year's Milngavie Art Club award: Kate Blackiefor her painting “Machair”.

Avril’s Highly Recommended mentions go to (in no order):

  • Scott Lang “The Ends”,

  • Anne Morrison “Life on the Shoreline” (ceramic),

  • Laurie Hunter “Laid up in Berneray”,

  • Nicola Carberry “Friends from America I & II”.

We were treated to an afternoon of musical accompaniment of sublime jazz from the Factory Street Saxophone Quartet. Many thanks to the band; they really added to the wonderful atmosphere!

Also a big thanks to the staff of the Lillie Gallery and the MAC committee and volunteer helpers who did a sterling job of keeping everything running smoothly.

And a final thanks to all our members who contributed their art this year and to those who came along with family and friends to make the opening such a special day. If you couldn't manage along you still have over five weeks in which to come and appreciate the exhibition at a quieter time.

Most days had one or two members present as part of our Artists in Residence.

Well done everyone!

You have made your exhibition a wonderful success!

Exhibition Convenor Iain McAulay with Guest Artist Avril Paton

The Factory Street Saxophone Quartet

“Old Pier, Easdale” by Margaret Scott. Winner of the Centenary Award 2022.

“Machair” by Kate Blackie. Winner of the MAC Award 2022.

Margaret Scott receives the Centenary Award from Exhibition Convenor Iain McAulay.

Exhibition poster